So time's are tough. You need to earn a crust, there are feck all job's about so you take to busking on the streets.
People tell you " your a rubbish singer "
So, you take their word and busk from inside a bin.
Pardon the pun, but you could be forgiven for thinking this busker is rubbish.
Jammed into a tiny council bin, the street artist has been entertaining shoppers in Cambridge with a medley of songs, with his trusty guitar left poking out of the side.
Shoppers stood round to take pictures or leave coins as the musician thrummed out tunes using his guitar and his pick of the litter.
Right - win VIP tickets to Electric Picnic on the show this week, we will also give you your own 2 man tent, air mattress, sleeping bags - all in the VIP camping area ( which means you have your own shower and toilet area ) Tangerine Fields is you stay , which also means when you arrive to the Picnic your tent is pitched and ready and your bed is made ..bliss !
Nokia started by making paper – the original communications technology.
The history of Nokia goes back to 1865. That was when Fredrik Idestam built a wood pulp mill on the banks of the Tammerkoski rapids, in southern Finland. A few years later, he built a second mill by the Nokianvirta river – the place that gave Nokia its name.
Click for the history...
Below is my Nokia family tree from the past 10 years ,inc the N95( unreal phone ) which im using now.
So the latest Nokia has landed - N97. Looks amazing !
Click the video to see what we were speaking about on the show.
Assistant Programme Director of RedFM - Presenter & producer of the Red Rooster breakfast show weekdays 6-10am /I also produce and present the Friday night selection/ The Go Deep Radio show for Redfm/2fm/Power FM Turkey