Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Ok so copy the link to get the podcast then click the itunes link on the page that opens.If you have itunes it will connect to your i tunes player and you will get a new podcast each week.
Rocking :)
Monday, April 28, 2008
IN HIS DEFENCE ..........

I was out with a few buddies for dinner sat night and we hit Jacques in Cork, ( it’s savage in there by the way) beside me at the next table there were 3 oul wans In deep debate about the “ Beckham “ picture above. The general tone of the conversation was that of utter disgust at his conduct, him a married man and having a few smallies and the like.
So Becks got caught gawking at some ass ….. ahem …. Would you blame him ??
What red/cold/bloodless male fool would not cop a eye load when a turbo fit cheerleader is shaking her gift 3 feet in front of you ?
Now these “oul wans” who were engrossed in the one sided slating of horn dog Beckham were well into their 60’s and I am pretty sure one of them was at
the official opening of new grange Neolithic tombs 5000 years ago, she was that old !
After a somewhat entertaining 30 minute eve’s dropping we all came to the conclusion that it was not Beckham that they had an issue with, it was the cheer leader. They had studied the photo so intensely that they were able to describe the ring on her finger and the camel toe contours of her skimpy shorts, the jealously bells were ringing in my head.
These elders wished they could go back to that day in the summer of 62’ when they too slipped into little white shorts and horned up local lads would follow them around the village, hormonal pied piper styley.
I have heard so many ladies proclaiming that if it was their fella in that picture then p45’s would be issued and balls would be sliced mid slumber.
Now admittedly if he was caught giving her one in the men’s jacks we would have something to debate, but all he did was have a sneaky peek, big deal. They say you can look at the menu but you don’t have to order anything, was Beckham ravenous ?
Men , We just cant win, im going gay ( happy not homo )
( If my grilfriend happens to read this blog " me ... stare ... never " )
Friday, April 25, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Arsenal Crumble

Ready Made Crumble Mix
1 German Prune (well passed its sell by date)
4 French Lemons
3 African Melons
1 Spanish Plumb
2 Brazilian Nuts
2 English Gooseberries, if you have them lying around (please note! These fruits are seriously over rated!)
It is recommended that you adhere to the recipe but as it is an ‘Arsenal Crumble’ some cheating is expected
For a good ‘Arsenal’ crumble topping the ingredient need to be well beaten before cooking (5-1 should do it!)
Add all the fruits together in a hot cauldron (Anfield is perfect) and make sure they stew for 90 minutes You will know that they are properly stewed as they will completely break down and lose all of their structure.
Add a generous splash of ‘Chateau Wenger’ whine to add to the sour taste.
Once this has been done cover with the crumble mix and place into a very hot oven (Old Trafford) for a further 90 minutes.
The ‘Arsenal Crumble’ is now complete!!!
Arsenal supporters may find this dish very bitter to swallow!!
If so they can help themselves to a large slice of humble pie which we made earlier!!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Monday, April 07, 2008
Launch of Cork Junior Cert Science Quiz

Lenny actually got fecked out of Science in school for for brewing up a lethal concoction of hydrogen fluoride and couch medicine for his poor Mammy.
If you wanna get your school involved in this years Cork JC science quiz applications can be made to Mr Sean Finn, Coláiste Daibhéad, South Terrace, Cork and must be received by May 9th.
Motors !
The Modified Motors Live Show takes place on Sunday 13th of April in the Green Glens Arena, Millstreet from 12-6pm. The huge 120,000sq foot arena will be packed to the brim with some of the hottest modified and tuned cars that Ireland has ever seen.
You can win all of this everyday just tell us about your dream machines, or the most amazing thing you have ever had a spin in !
Daily prize Monday to Friday: 2 x tickets to the Modified Motors Live event in Millstreet
2 x tickets to Round 1 Prodrift European Championships in Mondello Pk (20th April)
1 x Gran Turismo 5 Prologue game.
1 x Modified Motors Hoody
1 x A1Gp Hat
Watch these videos, unreal - my wet dream car the Bugatti Varon.