Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Last week in pictures !
Of course I put money in her little hat.
Last Tuesday night...
The current Miss Ireland bird and Emer from Lockdown models host the hope charity fashion show my job was to play music and checkout models ... bitch of a gig !
Friday night, a mate I was in national school with finally got married in Galway.
He married a woman and we drank and fell down. This is a pre fall down shot!
Sunday afternoon Bunratty castle and folk center Co Clare.
This place is unreal,within its grounds is Bunratty Folk Park where 19th century village and rural life are recreated. Traditional crafts are carried out. Its Disney land for history heads.

Amy poses in an 600 year old shop that sold mens socks in the right box, ladies socks in the left box and candels ... thats all you needed back then, socks and candels.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Web Site Awards ... were in it !!!!!!
* Beat 102 103
* Red FM
* All 80s Radio
* Phantom 105.2
Monday, September 22, 2008
Look mammy .... were in da papers :)

Mayo nominees
in radio awards
MIDWEST Radio, Ray Foley, Keith
Cunningham and Fergal O’Brien are
flying the flag for Mayo in the PPI
Radio Awards for 2008.
In the awards shortlist announced last
week, Cunningham’s Red Rooster show
on Red FM, Cork, was nominated in the
breakfast programme and entertainment
inserts categories, the Ray Foley Show
on Today FM in the music programme
category, Midwest’s The S Factor show
in the community/social action category,
while O’Brien, a former Midwest journalist,
was nominated in the news reporter of
the year category (for Today FM).
Cunningham, from Castlebar, won the
PPI music broadcaster of the year award in
2007 and followed up with a Meteor award
for best regional presenter this year.
Ballina man Foley has enjoyed a good
2008 so far too – he picked up the
award for best national DJ at the Meteor
The news reporter of the year award in
which Cong native O’Brien is nominated
is new for this year, along with the innovation
New west of Ireland radio station iRadio
has been nominated in three categories.
The PPI Awards will be held on Friday,
October 10, at the Lyrath House Estate
Hotel in Kilkenny.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Me music me like !
On air If I was let play the kind of music I listen to at home or like to play in clubs then I would single handly shut Red Fm down in 3 days.
I don't usually buy music, im in a lucky position working in radio you tend to get sent alot of stuff , tho 95% of it is shite.
I insist on paying for quality tho! I bought everything by Ray Lamontange today, along with Mick Flannerys new album called" White lies "
Mick is from Blarney, we had him on the show a few weeks back, the dude is so shy and humble to talk to. We got tons of texts wondering if he was stoned out of his head ,such was his shyness and whispery manner.
He is easily the most talented solo artist to come out of Cork for 20 years.
His album is stunning.
Ray and Mick are very similar, Mick just sounds like he's hurting a bit more.
Check out Rays version of Crazy and buy Mick's album too :)
The end.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Nudists and their rival clothed tourists put aside their dressing differences to help a dolphin in distress at a Formentera beach.
Eyewitness Sebastian Lakwa (28) reported: "A nudist helped the animal first. He got two pots of water and dumped them over the crying animal." With the help of others on the beach, the dolphin made it safely back to the water.
The show of unity between clothed and naked beach-goers was a landmark after the nudist war on Usedom beach, where naked German sunbathers and conservative Poles clashed over the summer.
Located on the German-Polish border, the beach hit the headlines when Polish holiday-makers expressed their outrage about the nude Germans’ free-spirited display. Most recently, a ceasefire was called between the two sides.
National Radio Awards 2008
Red Fm has been nominated for 9 national radio awards.
We are the most nominated local radio station in Ireland for 2008
The Red Rooster is shortlisted for best breakfast show ( 4th year in a row ) and Best entertainment inserts for " Red rooster funny bits "
Fuc*ing nice wan :)
Here is the blurb I copied and pasted so you get an idea what it's all about.
You can click the link below see the full list.
"The PPI Radio Awards 2008 – a celebration of the art and skill of radio production and programming. Since their inception 8 years ago, the PPI Awards have gone from strength to strength, with both entries and attendees increasing each year.
The impact of radio on all our lives is a significant one, and the PPI Awards salute the contribution of writers, broadcasters, producers, reporters, presenters and technicians alike, in informing, educating and entertaining listeners throughout Ireland. Last year we embraced the whole island of Ireland as Northern Ireland stations entered for the first time. This was a most welcome development and we look forward to continuing to enhance the Awards together with our colleagues in Northern Ireland radio for many years to come"
Monday, September 15, 2008
Own Brady is another super new talent.
We like this guy too - Brian Deady, any old thing - this weeks record of the week.
Kind of Amp fiddler meets Sam Sparrow.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
In the mood for giving out ... bear with me !
the American election campaign. They take an Obama comment out of context and turn it into this bullsh*t ad.
" Quick ...whip out a soldier boy, ya one that was over in that shit hole country with the oil we want, you know, where that smoke screen war's a going on !!, oh and make sure his leg was blown off .. ya that will look good... make em' all think those bastard iraqi street rats could blow y'all legs off .. oh and play some war time pride drumming in the back ground that builds to a big cheesy vocal singing about ...about...ah America ..fu*k ya"
They should have used this ...
And this is where it started ...
To think this tool could be the new president !
The " bomb iran " joke.
Im hungry.

End of the world ?
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
What Spears really sounds like !
Their mic is always “ LIVE “ but the volume is reduced so to create the illusion of singing.
This is the “ live mic feed “ that the audience don’t actually hear.
Britney really sound's like this.....
Large Hadron Collider - The Search For The Higgs
Ok ... on Wednesday were all doomed.
End of the, maybe.
When they start smashing protons into each other at near speed of light the "Hadron Collider" could generate a " black hole "

A black hole is a region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing, not even electromagnetic radiation (e.g. visible light), can escape its pull after having fallen past its event horizon.
The reason these clever people are doing this is to find " the higgs " The Higgs particle, popularised as the "God Particle", the un-observed particle that binds and holds all mass together.
It's really interesting stuff, so put away half an hour and watch all 3 videos
below in order, after that pray this thing wont suck the planet inside out.
You may have only 2days left so ask that hot bird out .. quickly !
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Some bird in the papers bought her dress on ebay for 5 cent ... jaysus.
So we decided to go on line and we bought 2 dresses, as pictured below, Lenny and I will be presenting the show in our 11 euro beauties when the arrive in a few weeks.
Scweeet !

O'Mahony Launches Hollywood Career
Finbarr Barry
While Kingdom fans might be scratching their empty heads following Cork's casual cancellation of their impeding victory in Croke Park on Sunday, film buffs in the county will be delighted to hear wing back Aidan O'Mahony is about to hit the big screen where he can compete with Cork megastars Cillian Murphy and Jonathan Rhys Meyers.
The 26 year old Garda made such an impression in the semi-final clash against Cork that he has been contacted by the producers of the eighties classic The Fall Guy and offered the lead role in a mouth watering noughties remake.
Fox Pictures who are in a race against time to sign the Kerry actor/footballer will now send scouts to various Kerry club games to seek new acting talent.