Cheer's for the ears all year you beautiful creature :)
Happy Christmas.

Red FM is not responsible for the random ramblings of this blog !
You can hear the song she did right here
And more of her live stuff below !
Buy her tunes here
I think this is going to be like the Sky + box. At the start is cost a fecking packet , but over time they start lashing it out for free.
"We are still supplying our dealers and we still have stock coming in," North said.
However, North said that there has been "a decline in the analog market" due to the popularity of computer and CD mixing solutions.
"I wouldn't say that analog is dead but there's a lot of digital products on the market that can do the same thing," North added.
Stephen King's brand new book is called Under The Dome, about a town sealed off from the rest of the world. Now Steven Spielberg has stepped in to make sure it's a success. He wants to turn it into a TV serious.
On an entirely normal day in Chester's Mill, Maine, the town is inexplicably and suddenly sealed off from the rest of the world by an invisible force field. Planes crash into it and fall from the sky in flaming wreckage, a gardener's hand is severed as "the dome" comes down on it, people running errands in the neighboring town are divided from their families, and cars explode on impact. No one can fathom what this barrier is, where it came from, and when - or if - it will go away.
Which is all good and well... but, did The Simpsons not do this already ???