The world renowned ‘BODIES’ exhibition is coming to Dublin this January 2009. This extra ordinary exhibition features real, whole and partial body specimens that have been dissected and preserved through an innovative process. The exhibition will allow you to view your body and its organs like never before. Taking place at the Ambassador from January 24th this will be the best thing you can visit this year – So far the exhibition has been in Amsterdam, New York, Paris and Budapest to name but a few with many a famous face turning up to check it out including Michael Jackson, Cameron Diaz, Bruce Willis, Kim Catrell, Leonardo Di Caprio, Jim Carey and Outkast.
You really do have to see it to believe it !.
Dr. Roy Glover world renowned Medical Director will be in Dublin to launch the Bodies Exhibition on January 22nd – He will be available for interview from 12pm on this day – There will also be a short press conference before hand to give you a brief outline of the exhibition. If you are interested in seeing the exhibition before anyone else and interviewing Dr. Glover please get in touch so I can arrange a suitable interview time for the day and you will also be able to bring a photographer to get some brilliant pictures.
In the meantime why not check out the website:
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