Monday, November 30, 2009
Almost wiped out by a rugby ball !
Late on Saturday night, 2009 November 21, a very bright meteor was seen flashing across the sky from the northern parts of South Africa. Tim Cooper, Director of the ASSA Comet & Meteor Section, estimates that the apparent magnitude of the meteorite was -18, but get this , they say the Meteor was the size of a rugby ball!
In the picture below is a direct hit from thousands of years ago, the meteor was the size of a house. A few more of those in south 'ifricka....... no world cup !!

Happy day for the music world.
A fake "press release" made the rounds late last week saying production of Technics turntables would end in February 2010, and the local head of Technics DJ for Panasonic was "quoted" as saying Australian stock would end in March.
Long regarded as the epitome of DJ equipment, the Technics 1200 and 1210 series turntables have been rumoured to be going out of production, but this has been denied by the local arm of head company Panasonic.
Panasonic's Ian North has denied the reports, and says while he is still waiting on clarification from Japan news that sales would end in March was "premature".
"We are still supplying our dealers and we still have stock coming in," North said.
However, North said that there has been "a decline in the analog market" due to the popularity of computer and CD mixing solutions.
"I wouldn't say that analog is dead but there's a lot of digital products on the market that can do the same thing," North added.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sad day for the music world.

Technics are ceasing production of the 1200 and the 1210 after 35 years their shutting down in febuary. CDJ's and laptops have taken over the market.
I have always being /always will be a vinyl collector. This is pretty sad for the industry but I suppose things change and Technics have being at the forefront of clubland for 35 years. This just means the pair I have will never be sold, in fact a brand new pair will be bought before they shut shop.. just to have .. and hug now and then.
The Technics SL-1200 is a series of turntables manufactured since October 1972 by Matsushita under the brand name of Technics. Originally released as a high fidelity consumer record player, it quickly became adopted among radio and club disc jockeys. Since its release in 1978, SL-1200MK2 and its successors have been the most common turntable for DJing and scratching. The MK2 presented several improvements, including to the motor and casing. Since 1972, more than 3 million units have been sold.
It is widely regarded as one of the most durable and reliable turntables ever produced. Many of the models manufactured in the 1970's are still in heavy use. Rappers have referred to the turntable as "1200", "Tee 12's", "Technics", "Tec 12", "wheels of steel" and "ones and twos".
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The France Replay is on !
Monday, November 23, 2009
Celebrity-branded fragrances are nothing new.
BRITNEY SPEARS has her own perfume. So does Christina Aguilera and Kate Moss and Posh Spice and Peter Andre and Jordan, just to name a few.
But now, a company called Antiquity has taken celebrity-branded fragrances to a whole new level by releasing a line of colognes and perfumes that are made from DNA collected from the hair clippings of dead celebrities. (???)
There's "Marilyn" created from the DNA of MARILYN MONROE.
"Monarch" created from the DNA of KATHARINE HEPBURN.
"Entrance" created from the DNA of JOAN CRAWFORD.
"Blue Suede" created from the DNA of ELVIS PRESLEY.
"IQ" created from the DNA of ALBERT EINSTEIN and . . .
"M" created from the DNA of MICHAEL JACKSON.
You can buy this rubbish here
Very Cagey.

Is Nicolas Cage the worst actor of all time ?? ahhhh yes.
Just watched " The Knowing " and he really is tragic.
Also he is facing financial ruin. And he’s got only himself to blame!
The star has lived a lavish life, pending on cars, castles and yachts. He’s forked out tens of millions of dollars buying nine Rolls Royces, more than a dozen homes, four yachts and two castles.
Cage’s former business manager has told a US court that the actor shopped "uncontrollably" and needed to earn $30 million a year "just to maintain his lavish lifestyle".
Cage is suing Samuel Levin for $20 million accusing him of incompetence.
His greatest moments from THE WICKERMAN !
Stephen King's brand new book is called Under The Dome, about a town sealed off from the rest of the world. Now Steven Spielberg has stepped in to make sure it's a success. He wants to turn it into a TV serious.
On an entirely normal day in Chester's Mill, Maine, the town is inexplicably and suddenly sealed off from the rest of the world by an invisible force field. Planes crash into it and fall from the sky in flaming wreckage, a gardener's hand is severed as "the dome" comes down on it, people running errands in the neighboring town are divided from their families, and cars explode on impact. No one can fathom what this barrier is, where it came from, and when - or if - it will go away.
Which is all good and well... but, did The Simpsons not do this already ???
For a writer who brought you Killer clowns, mobile phones that turn you into a zombie, The shining, Green mile, and Shawshank redemption, he is actually not the
head case you would presume!
Can you vote for the show please ??
Even if you think the show is shite :)
Ah go on ya legend ya :)
The two builders start to speculate about the occupation of the suit
Dave: - I reckon he's an accountant.
Stuart: - No way - he's a stockbroker.
Dave: - He ain't no stockbroker! A stockbroker wouldn't come in here!
The argument repeats itself for some time until the volume of beer gets the better of Dave and he makes for the toilet.
On entering the toilet he sees that the suit is standing at a urinal.
Curiosity and the several beers get the better of him.
Dave: - 'Scuse me.... no offence meant, but me and me mate were wondering what you do for a living?
Suit: - No offence taken! I'm a Logical Scientist by profession
Dave: - Oh? What's that then?
Suit: - I'll try to explain by example ... Do you have a goldfish at home?
Dave: - Er ..... mmm ... well yeah, I do as it happens!
Suit: - Well, it's logical that you keep it either in a bowl or in a
pond. Which is it?
Dave: - It's in a pond!
Suit: - Well it's reasonable to suppose that you have a large garden then?
Dave: - As it happens, yes I have got a big garden.
Suit: - Well then it's logical to assume that, in this town, if you have a large garden then you have a large house?
Dave: - As it happens I've got a five bedroom house .... built it myself!
Suit: - Well given that you've built a five bedroom house it's logical to assume that you haven't built it just for yourself and that you are quite probably married? And with a family?
Dave: - Yes I am married, I live with my wife and four children.
Suit: - Well then it is logical to assume that you are sexually active with your wife on a regular basis?
Dave: - Yep! Five times a week!
Suit: - Well then it is logical to suggest that you don't masturbate very often?
Dave: - Do what? Not me, mate!
Suit: - Well there you are! That's logical science at work!
Dave: - How's that then?
Suit: - Well from finding out that you had a goldfish, I've told you about your sex life!
Dave: - I see! That's pretty impressive. Thanks mate!
Both leave the toilet and Dave returns to his mate.
Stuart: - I see the suit was in there. Did you ask him what he does?
Dave: - Yep! He's a logical scientist!
Stuart: - What's that then?
Dave: - I'll try and explain. Do you have a goldfish?
Stuart: - Nope
Dave: - Well then, you're a wanker
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Worthy of his Sirname ????
I hope you were watching your fellow country men last night?
I hope you see what it's like to be a hero in a green jersey.
Maybe you missed it ?
You might have been doing something more important, like brushing dog shite out of the grooves of the tyers on your RangeRover perhaps ?
You missed a great game. You and Henry should go for a pint .... no really ye should.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
"The Fresh Prince Of Douglas "
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Get a copy yet ??
Cheers Aedin !
"Hi Guys
The book is going well at the moment. Just to let you know we are in the shopping centres at the weekend. Friday we are in Paul street, Saturday we are in Merchants quay and Sunday we're in Mahon Point. Thanks a mill for plugging the book, it is definitely helping because we are even getting cheques in the post from people for the book.
I have attached a group photo taken on the night of some of the men involved. Ashley Keating , Derry O' Callaghan and Fergus O' Farrell were also there but I think they were too shy to get in the Picture.
Anyway talk to you soon
Aedin x "
Please buy this book if you can , its all going to breast cancer care south infirmary !
Cheers KC
Monday, November 16, 2009
U2 on the 360 tour )are going to be our "Jingle bell ball" headline act.
Bell X1 are unreal live & you really should be there you know!
You can only win the ticket's on RedFM,tickets are free but when you get to the gig
all were asking you to do is make a donation to Barnardos childrens charity.
Make sure your tuned to the show weekdays 6-10 am to win the tickets money can't buy(cause there not for sale actually)
This is a shot from the negotiation tea party where we got the lads to sign up buy spiking their tea with magic mushrooms and extract of cornetto.

In this picture: BELL X 1 , BELL X 2, BELL X 3 , BELL END 4( Lenny)
Soul in a hole.
Northern soul is a music and dance movement that emerged from the British mod scene, initially in northern England in the late 1960s. Northern soul mainly consists of a particular style black American soul ,based on the heavy beat and fast tempo of the mid-1960s Motown sound… so I hear.
The Wigan casino was the most famous venue in the UK for these kinds of nights, it would be on a par with Sir Henrys in Cork for house music I suppose.
My own Mum and Dad were still in secondary school when the amphetamine stuffed soul club was at its peak.
Northern soul dancing should look like this ……..
Not like this ....
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Love the Kiwis
" Hey KC, heard you and Lenny speaking with Kevin Bloody Wilson the last day and you
ask him the difference between an Oz and Kiwi accent, this video should help ya mate "
Greg the Kiwi , cools as bru :)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Bless ya !
Putting Bra's

Those crazy Japanese have created a bra that transforms into a Putting Green
Japanese lingerie company called Triumph has just come out with a new, corset-style BRA that can be removed and unrolled to create a five-foot PUTTING GREEN.
It's called the Nice Cup-In-Bra. And when you sink a putt into one of the cups, a built-in speaker belts out a congratulatory "Nice shot!
It also features ............
•Pockets for extra golf balls and tees
•A detachable flag pin that serves as a score pencil
•And a flag sporting the words "Be Quiet" for use on the course
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
First of all, may I declare something publicly, I work on radio but I am not, never will, never want to be, regarded as “ Celebrity “. I even fu*king hate the word, we cool on that ?? ..ok.
Trust me I’m getting to something here …..
Lenny and I were asked to submit a recipe each to this book. ( Were in a cook book with Gerry Adams F.F.S. .. still laughing at that one )
So, this new book is out and I would love if you could buy it online because ALL the money is going to the breast care fund south infirmary hospital Cork. It’s called “ KISS TO COOK – A SELECTION OF RECIPES FROM IRISH CELEBIRTIES “ Ahem !

Yes there are tons of important people, local sporting giants, some major celebs and chancers , yes Bertie Ahern I'm pointing my wooden spoon at you.
Each individual has contributed a recipe for you to lash into at home.
The book is the brain child of recovered cancer patient Aedin Johnson.
Please help us raise 40,000 euro for the charity.
Click the kiss and buy a few please ..... KISS
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Cyriak's Powers of Ramsay
Weirdy, i like Ramsay, he's a prick but makes good telly.
The way he treat's those poor yank's in hell's kitchen, gotta love it.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Sunday, November 08, 2009
SumoSam - The T-shirt man.

Want one ??
Go here
Please note: Unless otherwise stated, all garments are 100% unofficial and as such are not licensed merchandise. The designs on this web site are in no way connected with, or endorsed by, the personalities, people or organisations they may appear to depict.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
When I was a smallie .........
This was blockbuster viewing in the 80's.
Alien Lizards that eat mice for breakfast .... what a show.
Their bringing it back. Thursday night 9am TV 3. Please be good. Please don't be
the new Knight Rider.Please have big boobie rodent munching lashers.Please.
Let's hear it for New Cork !

We're in tough times so it was always going to be a ferocious battle between hundreds of European cities to make the cut for Lonely Planet's top ten cities. Appropriately enough Cork city had plenty to spare when the judges made their final decision and we now await with glee for the hoards of tourists to jet in.
The cream of the crop
The newly launched guide entitled Best in Travel 2010trumpets Planet Earth's best tourist destinations and is influential enough to turbo boost a city's reputation and economy.
Unsurprisingly nowhere else in the cash-strapped Republic of Ireland or northern Europe got a mention. In fact besides Lecce in Italy no other city or town in the EU made the grade. Give yourselves a slap on the backs feens and beours - this accolade is some achievement.
And more than anywhere else, our inclusion comes down to 'people' more than anything else as the guide lavishes praise on us Corkonians.
"Cork is at the top of its game right now; sophisticated, vibrant and diverse, while still retaining its friendliness, relaxed charm and quick fire wit", says the publication. Their words not ours.
To be fair, even though the statement is full of praise they are playing us down slightly - probably so half the globe won't up sticks and move here straight away. We would have used a lot more adjectives.
At times the PROC is unfairly looked upon as a biased propaganda machine working on behalf of the county. Now we can at least drop the 'biased' part because this independent verification (no reporters were held at 'hurley-point' and water boarded with Beamish at any stage) clearly shows that what we've been banging on about here for years is completely, undeniably and utterly true.
And if any outsiders give you grief for going on about how great Cork is then you can say:
Sure it woz the Lonely Planet what said it boy!
Corkonians will have to be on their best behaviour with the expected influx of foreign tourists piling into the city to munch on tripe and drisheen, ring the Shandon bells, revel in the thriving live music scene and to watch hurling marches.
We're clearly now among the top tribes on the planet according to this book but flattery can weaken the senses so be double-dog wide. When the tourist season kicks off again expect rakes of foreigners flirting with you, buying you gat and trying to get you back to their hotel.
most other Irish towns and cities. Not Cork though.
We should note that among our fellow top ten cities is Singapore - a city state on the southern tip of the Malaysian peninsula - a metropolis that has thrived since claiming independence from Malaysia and its oppressive Dublin-equivalent Kuala Lumpur. Many laughed when the small state decided to go it alone. Now with its own UN membership and massive economy few criticise the 'bauld' move by Singapore's leaders.
The case for total independence from Dublin's tax-hungry money-wasting government has never been so clear cut. Now that Cork is leading the way out of the recession perhaps its time to once and for all cut all ties with the corrupt and bungling regime at Leinster House and hammer the PROC-lamation to the door of the GPO.
As they'd have to accept us eventually, debating controversial county-board motions at the UN would be great craic too!

World's Top 10 cities:
1. Cork;
2. Singapore;
3. Istanbul, Turkey;
4. Kyoto, Japan;
5. Vancouver, Canada
6. Charleston, USA;
7. Cuenca, Ecuador;
8. Lecce, Italy;
9. Sarajevo, Bosnia;
10. Abu Dhabi, UAE;
See the book HERE
Monday, November 02, 2009
These are a few ok snaps from the past few weeks.
Rossy on a hill like ....

A Guard , minding the stash ... " car 2 over "
Stevie G and Smallie G .........
Colm O Sullivan ( At some Miller Beer shoot thing .. im not sure either .. )
More from Sullivan ... Mirror bounce !!