Part 1: Expressions
1) C’mere Timme = Excuse me 2) I will yeah! = No! 3) What’s the story fella? = how are you? 4) hows the form? = hows it it hanging? 5) You would yeah! = you wouldn’t dare! 6) Here la = here you are 7) There la = its over there / look over there 8) State a him la = He looks bad 9) (Ah / Awe) now sham = thats good 10) I claim ya = I would really like to engage in a fight with you. 11) Pure = very 12) Two shits = care 13) Couldnt give two shits = I don’t care 14) Like = this word is used at least once in every Cork sentence. eg Ah know like you understand dont ya? 15) Like eh = Used as a hesitation at the start of a sentence. 16) Nawful (hes a nawful langer) = terrible 17) Bate = beat up, used with da shit. eg I’ll bate da shit outa ya 18) have a lash off = have a go 19) lash into hash = Smoke cannabis 20) be wide = be careful 21) sketch = Theres someone coming (be wide) 22) Be doggy wide = Be extra careful 23) How bad bhoy = Good 24) Bhoy (pronounced-by biya) = man /person. Not necessarily a Celt. 25) A trip in the white van = A trip in an ambulance
Part 2:Nouns & Verbs
26) Brasser / stella / tramp / trollup / whorebag = prostitute 27) Stella = girl who wears her hair up in bob, chews on gum, has earrings the size of hula hoops, and mostly norries (see no.73) 28) Jammy Rag = a tampon 29) Steamer / bender /queer /ass-bandit / faggot /puff / gaylord = homosexual 30) Hairy = child molester / paedophile or old person /experienced 31) Blouse = Steamer, a male with feminine traits (ya fuckin’ blouse) 32) Wan / bure = female 33) Young wan = female child 34) boy / fella / fein /feeno /your man = male 35) Small fella = Male child 36) Mam / Dad / Ole Man / Ole Laid / Oul fella / Oul wan = mother/father 37) Lulla / subla / din-din / a suck / cream crackers = knackers 38) Apache = joyrider 39) salk = stolen car 40) sham = young male / hard man or knacker 41) sham-feen = macho / hard man 42) Snout / gonker /snoz = nose 43) Gib / gap / gant / gearbox /pussy / bush / muff = vagina 44) Pussy = chicken shit or faggot (see no.29) 45) Langer / langerdan = arsehole 46) Gowl (Ghoul) = stupid person 47) Gimp = fuckin eejit 48) Gimpy walk = person with the mousy walk (wabbling from side to side) 49) Fifty = stood up 50) Poppies / tatties = potatoes 51) Yolkes = ecstasy 52) Duby / chatnospoof = hash 53) a nodge = a small bit of hash 54) a knock = a lump of hash of any size 55) a deal = 10 pounds worth of hash 56) a score = 20 pounds worth of hash 57) shades / law / blue bottles / pigs = Gardai 58) two-bulb / shad mo-beal (awe now feen pull a leggar) = squad car 59) pig stie = Garda station 60) speedy = garda motorbike 61) gatch = walk 62) snobby fuck / faggot = well-off person 63) gammy = deformed 64) jag / doing a line / jaggin / meetin a wan / with / scoring = going out with 65) gatt / lush / drink = alcoholic beverages 66) gattin / on the piss / gettin langers / pintin / on the tear = going drunkin (in a pub) 67) bushin = going drinking on the street 68) reff / reefin / mangle = beat up / beating up 69) lamp / skanse / la = look 70) droppin / wizz = need to piss 71) hangin = need a fag 72) wah / whacker = scumbag 73) norrie = person from the northside of the city 74) frame / kit = woman’s body 75) flaa = good looking girl 76) feak = see no.75 77) Is she feakin = is she fuckable 78) drain the weasel / go for a slash / take a piss = urinate somewhere
Part 3 : Place Names
79) Grawn : Gurranabraher 80) Knocka: Knocknaheeney 81) Mahn: Mahon 82) da Han: Ballyphehane 83) Tokor: Togher 82) da Glen: The Glen 83) Pana: St. Patricks Street 84) Flying bottle: The HolyHill Inn 85) da Peace Park: Bishop Lucey Park 86) Clon: Clonakilty 87) Crosser = Crosshaven 88) da Cross = Turners Cross 89) Golden Wheely bin land = Douglas 90) Fanny city = Grange (the women r unbalieverable up there) 91) The smell = the halting sit |
hey K.C!!
love your blog page!! On a weeks hols at the moment and i missed ye guys this morning, you usually get me in a good mood to face work..
just after setting up a blog page so any advice drop me a comment..
keep up the fab work on the show!!
Hmm, so where did ya steal this from eh? It's almost identical to a post of mine.
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