Click while you read nigga's... J5 Genius….
Jurassic 5 - Concrete Schoolyard
Amp Fiddlers show in the opera house over the Jazz weekend was without doubt the best live gig I have ever seen.

What got me really into it?? Night’s like Jam, Jazz Juice, and Shake in Galway. I shared a flat with the legend Stevie G for a few years; slap bang in the middle of Cork City. As I mentioned before, he had so many records (15,000 maybe) he had no room for a bed so he slept on a bench in Bishop lucy park. Stevie put me onto so many amazing artists and albums (Nice Wan Feen )
Over the last five years there was an explosion in new black & Urban artists, music channels, radio shows & concerts. Record companies yet again jump on the fashion wagon and sign everything, that’s why the market has become supersaturated with utter black belly bile shite, which is sad.
When things like this happen ( click vid’s below ) I dunno whether to laugh or load a gun and go searching for them….. Enjoy !
Speak the Hungarian Rapper!
Have you seen my baseball ?
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