Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Larry Legend on the show Wed morning !

My Mum always reminds me that when I was 4 years old I would talk into a towel rack which resembled a skinny 70's style microphone, doing requests for the dog and the granny, copying what Larry Gogan said. I don't remember, but ill take her word on it.
The thing about Larry Gogan is, he just plays the tunes and says very little, he never annoyes people. He is on radio now for 700 years, in fact we know Larry was the dj at the opening party for Newgrange...that's Larry carrying speakers in he back door below.

Ya I know he's a dj on another station but the man is a legend, we speak to him on air after nine tomorrow morning ( he has released a cd thingy )
Some of the funniest answers from his " just a min quiz "
1) Something a blind man might use? A Sword
2) A Song with the word Moon in the title? Blue Suede Moon
3) Name the Capital of France? F
4) Name a bird with a long Neck? Naomi Campbell
5) Name an occupation where you might need a torch? A burglar
6) Where is the Taj Mahal? Opposite the Dental Hospital
7) What is Hitlers first name ? Heil
8) A famous Scotsman? Jock
9) Some famous brothers ? Bonnie and Clyde.
10) A dangerous race ? The Arabs
11) Something that floats in a bath ? Water
12) An item of clothing worn by the Three Musketeers? A horse
13) Something you wear on a beach ? A deckchair
14) A famous Royal ? Mail
15) Something that flies that doesn't have an engine? A bicycle with wings
16) A famous bridge ? The Bridge Over Troubled Waters
17) Something a cat does ? Goes to the Toilet
18) Something you do in the bathroom ? Decorate
19) A method of securing your home ? Put the kettle on
20) Something associated with pigs ? The Police
21) A sign of the Zodiac ? April
22) Something people might be allergic to ? Skiing
23) Something you do before you go to bed ? Sleep
24) Something you put on walls ? A roof
25) Something Slippery ? A conman
26) A kind of ache ? A fillet of fish
27) A Jacket Potato topping ? Jam
28) A food that can be brown or white ? A potato
29) The star that the travellers followed? Joe Dolan
30) As happy as..CLUE:Think of me? A pig in s**t
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Is it ?
This is Kerry K's interview from "this morning "
Oh and I also found this funny tv ad today.
Oh and I also found this funny tv ad today.
Monday, October 20, 2008
obama is a mac daddy pimp ass bitch yo !
This is why I hate organised religion, but on the other hand it's comedy gold.
P.i.m.p. that daddy !
P.i.m.p. that daddy !
Me, an uncle ?
Ya my little sister informed me she was up the Damien duff this weekend, which everyone is delighted about.She is nine weeks gone, and all I can make out from studying the scan...
" my sister is pregnant with casper the friendly ghost's child" ??

Cool or what :)

Now now Casper she's sleeping !
Ya my little sister informed me she was up the Damien duff this weekend, which everyone is delighted about.She is nine weeks gone, and all I can make out from studying the scan...
" my sister is pregnant with casper the friendly ghost's child" ??
Cool or what :)

Now now Casper she's sleeping !
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Bush addresses the UK music video awards.
Adam Buxton was M.C. hammer for the UK vma's over the weekend. This is a video he put together for the event, the funny hairy fecker.
More from Adam ....
And his pirate DVD song ...
More from Adam ....
And his pirate DVD song ...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Airport security event
Customs Official : 'May I know your name?'
Passenger : 'Batman'
Customs Official : 'What's your name!?'
Passenger : 'My name is Bat-man'
Customs Official : 'Trying to be funny? What's your surname?'
Passenger : 'Super-man'
Customs Official : 'So you're telling me your name is Batman Superman?'
Passenger : 'Yes'
Customs Official : 'Arrest this guy...
When they had him in custody, he was asked to show his identification card:
Customs Official : 'May I know your name?'
Passenger : 'Batman'
Customs Official : 'What's your name!?'
Passenger : 'My name is Bat-man'
Customs Official : 'Trying to be funny? What's your surname?'
Passenger : 'Super-man'
Customs Official : 'So you're telling me your name is Batman Superman?'
Passenger : 'Yes'
Customs Official : 'Arrest this guy...
When they had him in custody, he was asked to show his identification card:

Thursday, October 16, 2008
I have the exact decks and the mixer in this video, but this is how you actually use them.
Unreal !
This is pretty savage too.
Unreal !
This is pretty savage too.
"The result of a POLISH plumbers work in a house in Cork. . ."
Allegedly, the plumber may in fact have been Irish, French or fu*ked drunk !
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Why thank you :)
Jesus is my friend ... the remixes have started !
The one and only origional !
Kids, dont do drugs !
And the new Metallica video :)
Kids, dont do drugs !
And the new Metallica video :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
" A nigg*r in the white house" ?
That's the title of a very well written blog I found on line when reading up
on the U.S. presidential campgain. I have added the text below with some video clips I have stumbled across.
It could also be called ...
‘A person with a lot of melanin pigment in the skin in the Colorless House’
Like most, I have been keeping a close eye on the daily web updates on the U.S. presidential race. It has turned into a stomach churning racial war… almost.
Confirming the hate is the hundreds of thousands of cowardly anonymous “You-tube” comment’s on hundreds of videos clips involving Obama.
This is one of the best blog post’s I’ve read on the “ Race - Race “
I robbed some video’s from Ricks blog … why thank you !
"The other day I went down to the little local store here to pick up some milk and bread. While waiting at the counter to check out I heard a few of the people in there talking about the election. Right off it was apparent that the owner of the store was a Republican and that she was 100% behind McCain. Her first remark was : “It seems to me that it’s always the Democrats that get us into jams, then the Republicans are the ones that come and get us back out of them”.
Ok, so she has been living in a cave for the past eight years and hasn’t seen the damage done by the Bush administration. I guess I can forgive her for that.
The next comment came from a lady that was a Democrat and didn’t like Bush at all, but I’m not so sure I can forgive her remark. What she said was: “I was all for Hillary to win the nomination, but now that Obama has won the primaries and will be the nominee I’ll be voting for McCain, he seems to be honest and at least he’s not a nigger”.
Not a nigger. Now there’s something I’d never thought of before. Let’s elect a president based on his color not his qualifications. She then went on to say that she had seen what happens when niggers become the majority somewhere and she didn’t like it.
Another person in there just happened to be a mailman and he was an Obama supporter. But again, his choice was based on his dislike for Bush, McCain and the Republican Party, and even more importantly, his belief that women had no place in politics.
Why not? If we can base our choices on color, why not also base our choices on sex?
Actually, I sorta did the same thing myself. I was behind Hillary all the way for this election, and part of my reason for backing her was sex. We’ve all seen the damage that men can do. Men tend to be power hungry with a need to prove they are better and stronger than everyone else, women don’t seem to have those needs so I supported Hillary on the hopes that perhaps a woman would be more responsible and base her decisions on the country’s needs and not her own quest for power.
Well, she didn’t make it and because she didn’t make it I am starting to see and hear about thousands of voters who supported Hillary and are now changing over to vote for McCain because they don’t want a black man in the White House. Many say they will vote Republican even if Obama chooses her as his running mate just because they don’t want a black president.
Despite the giant lead that the Democrats have held over the Republicans in the popular votes lately I am now starting to be concerned that maybe we will end up with McCain as our new president and we will continue down the path that we have been put on by the Bush administration. Quite frankly, that scares the hell out of me.
Don’t you think it’s about time we do away with petty concerns like race and start paying attention to what would be best for our country, not what would satisfy our own bigoted misconceptions of people based on race, sex or religion? I was backing Hillary in the primaries, but now that she has dropped out I will support Obama just as strongly as I have Hillary. I have another site that I have been using for the past several months for posting articles on science and a couple other subjects. I am now going to change the purpose of that site in order to push the envelope for Obama to as many people as I can possibly reach. We have a choice to make here and it’s a choice that will affect all Americans. Let’s not blow it by letting a man’s color influence our decisions. Do we want to see changes made in this country, or do we want to continue on the path set for us by the Bush/Cheney team? The answer to that question is obvious, too bad so many of us are too colorblinded to see it.
A nigger in the White House?
It could just possibly be the best thing this country has had in a very long time. When I look at him, I don’t see a nigger, I see a man, a man who could get us all pointed back in the right direction, don’t let his color prevent us from having that opportunity".
on the U.S. presidential campgain. I have added the text below with some video clips I have stumbled across.
It could also be called ...
‘A person with a lot of melanin pigment in the skin in the Colorless House’
Like most, I have been keeping a close eye on the daily web updates on the U.S. presidential race. It has turned into a stomach churning racial war… almost.
Confirming the hate is the hundreds of thousands of cowardly anonymous “You-tube” comment’s on hundreds of videos clips involving Obama.
This is one of the best blog post’s I’ve read on the “ Race - Race “
I robbed some video’s from Ricks blog … why thank you !
"The other day I went down to the little local store here to pick up some milk and bread. While waiting at the counter to check out I heard a few of the people in there talking about the election. Right off it was apparent that the owner of the store was a Republican and that she was 100% behind McCain. Her first remark was : “It seems to me that it’s always the Democrats that get us into jams, then the Republicans are the ones that come and get us back out of them”.
Ok, so she has been living in a cave for the past eight years and hasn’t seen the damage done by the Bush administration. I guess I can forgive her for that.
The next comment came from a lady that was a Democrat and didn’t like Bush at all, but I’m not so sure I can forgive her remark. What she said was: “I was all for Hillary to win the nomination, but now that Obama has won the primaries and will be the nominee I’ll be voting for McCain, he seems to be honest and at least he’s not a nigger”.
Not a nigger. Now there’s something I’d never thought of before. Let’s elect a president based on his color not his qualifications. She then went on to say that she had seen what happens when niggers become the majority somewhere and she didn’t like it.
Another person in there just happened to be a mailman and he was an Obama supporter. But again, his choice was based on his dislike for Bush, McCain and the Republican Party, and even more importantly, his belief that women had no place in politics.
Why not? If we can base our choices on color, why not also base our choices on sex?
Actually, I sorta did the same thing myself. I was behind Hillary all the way for this election, and part of my reason for backing her was sex. We’ve all seen the damage that men can do. Men tend to be power hungry with a need to prove they are better and stronger than everyone else, women don’t seem to have those needs so I supported Hillary on the hopes that perhaps a woman would be more responsible and base her decisions on the country’s needs and not her own quest for power.
Well, she didn’t make it and because she didn’t make it I am starting to see and hear about thousands of voters who supported Hillary and are now changing over to vote for McCain because they don’t want a black man in the White House. Many say they will vote Republican even if Obama chooses her as his running mate just because they don’t want a black president.
Despite the giant lead that the Democrats have held over the Republicans in the popular votes lately I am now starting to be concerned that maybe we will end up with McCain as our new president and we will continue down the path that we have been put on by the Bush administration. Quite frankly, that scares the hell out of me.
Don’t you think it’s about time we do away with petty concerns like race and start paying attention to what would be best for our country, not what would satisfy our own bigoted misconceptions of people based on race, sex or religion? I was backing Hillary in the primaries, but now that she has dropped out I will support Obama just as strongly as I have Hillary. I have another site that I have been using for the past several months for posting articles on science and a couple other subjects. I am now going to change the purpose of that site in order to push the envelope for Obama to as many people as I can possibly reach. We have a choice to make here and it’s a choice that will affect all Americans. Let’s not blow it by letting a man’s color influence our decisions. Do we want to see changes made in this country, or do we want to continue on the path set for us by the Bush/Cheney team? The answer to that question is obvious, too bad so many of us are too colorblinded to see it.
A nigger in the White House?
It could just possibly be the best thing this country has had in a very long time. When I look at him, I don’t see a nigger, I see a man, a man who could get us all pointed back in the right direction, don’t let his color prevent us from having that opportunity".
Monday, October 13, 2008
PPI Awards friday night !
We won best breakfast show, WTF ??
Did not expect that one, but if it's going spare ...

We won best on air competition for our T.N.T. station promotion.

We won the drunken sports team award.

We got Silver award for Colm O Sullivans transmission.
Bronze Award for Rooster Comedy bits.
Bronze for Innovation with the " Heroes of music " shows.

Not bad for bunch of messers :)
Did not expect that one, but if it's going spare ...
We won best on air competition for our T.N.T. station promotion.
We won the drunken sports team award.
We got Silver award for Colm O Sullivans transmission.
Bronze Award for Rooster Comedy bits.
Bronze for Innovation with the " Heroes of music " shows.
Not bad for bunch of messers :)
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Lenny get's a part time job !
Monkeys work in Japanese restaurant
A restaurant in Japan has some unusual waiting staff on its books - two macaque monkeys.
Yatchan and Fukuchan serve customers hot towels and drinks, and are given soya beans as tips.
The monkeys are family pets who have been allowed to help in the bar. Animal rights regulations mean the premises have been visited to ensure the creatures are not being mistreated.
A restaurant in Japan has some unusual waiting staff on its books - two macaque monkeys.
Yatchan and Fukuchan serve customers hot towels and drinks, and are given soya beans as tips.
The monkeys are family pets who have been allowed to help in the bar. Animal rights regulations mean the premises have been visited to ensure the creatures are not being mistreated.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Sell out Sell out Sell out ...............

The Sex Pistols scared the shit out of the late 70's and early 80s'.
In 1977, the band released "God Save the Queen" during the week of Queen Elizabeth II's Silver Jubilee. The song was a hit, but caused so much controversy that Lydon was attacked in the streets by an angry mob. They stabbed him in his left hand, his leg, and nearly gouged out his eye with a beer bottle. Since then, he has not been able to properly make a fist with his left hand
Star wars kid !
So this legend was caught on camera doing ... well .. have a look !
Then the remix's started !
Genius ....
Then the remix's started !
Genius ....
Tunes ba ! !
So here at the good ship Red fm we bring you some of the best specialist shows on Irish radio. Stevie G’s black on red is one of the best
Black music radio shows in the world – I listen to a lot of radio and I honestly believe is better then anything the BBC / 1 extra put out.
We also have Transmission with Colm “the trout “ O Sullivan on Fridays which is brilliant for new rock, dance and cool shit.
And the biggest names in Irish house music, Greg and Shane, the legends of Cork clubbing bring there Go Deep show to the masses. This
Show is syndicated world wide to Power FM Turkey with a potential audience of 50 million, its plays out in Canada, Spain and even 2fm in Dublin have signed it up for there weekend shows…but it started here on Red FM.
Greg and Shane celebrate 20 years of playing house in Cork this November and some massive parties are planned see
The tune below is a national anthem in Cork.
Romanthony – The Ball n Chain
Everybody ……….
Black music radio shows in the world – I listen to a lot of radio and I honestly believe is better then anything the BBC / 1 extra put out.
We also have Transmission with Colm “the trout “ O Sullivan on Fridays which is brilliant for new rock, dance and cool shit.
And the biggest names in Irish house music, Greg and Shane, the legends of Cork clubbing bring there Go Deep show to the masses. This
Show is syndicated world wide to Power FM Turkey with a potential audience of 50 million, its plays out in Canada, Spain and even 2fm in Dublin have signed it up for there weekend shows…but it started here on Red FM.
Greg and Shane celebrate 20 years of playing house in Cork this November and some massive parties are planned see
The tune below is a national anthem in Cork.
Romanthony – The Ball n Chain
Everybody ……….
Monday, October 06, 2008
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Kinsale today !
When the sun is kicking Kinsale has to be one of the most stunning places in Ireland to get day locked on Clonmel chardonnay (Bulmers)
I was on chauffeur duty so I could only watch with frothy gob as the masses baked in the sun and sank the ice chilled pint bottles.
Ended up in Charles fort which is just stunning. It's one of the largest military forts in the country, and is associated with some of the most important events in Irish history.
(It would be an unreal place for a goya style full mooon party )
Friday, October 03, 2008
"Up yours".... i-phone thingy.....
I bought a Nokia N95 yesterday, it's the much hyped alternative to an i- phone.
I love it.
My girlfriend has been using the i phone for months, let's face it there an amazing bit of kit ... it's just too fecking big for my handbag :)
This beaut has a 5 megapixel camera .. with flash,
Tons of video storage
And you can download an appliaction that turns it into a working light sabor ... the bollox !
Here's a weird looking dude doing a
I love it.
My girlfriend has been using the i phone for months, let's face it there an amazing bit of kit ... it's just too fecking big for my handbag :)
This beaut has a 5 megapixel camera .. with flash,
Tons of video storage
And you can download an appliaction that turns it into a working light sabor ... the bollox !
Here's a weird looking dude doing a
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Kiss FM Castlebar 1994
It was inevitable that these snaps would surface at some point. This was the garden shed pirate giant Kiss FM in my home town Castlebar, my first radio gig !
It was set up by my buddy Tony G, who by coincidence is our head technical engineer here at RedFM today.
I know it resembles “ radio Borat “ but this was all we needed to cover the town. Mobile phones were not an option for broke secondary school kids, we used a phone box up the town to gather requests ( we sent a small gimpy lad on a racer bike to and from the phone box )
This was me on air, I know …” the fu*king head on ya “

Records, Tapes, Joe Bloggs jeans and some truly shocking music !
Tony G then .....

Tony G now .....

The lesson from the above pictures ??
Dont wear hay making jumpers and you might just cop off with Z list celeb !

And some engineer porn, the sherman aeral... she's a beaut!
It was set up by my buddy Tony G, who by coincidence is our head technical engineer here at RedFM today.
I know it resembles “ radio Borat “ but this was all we needed to cover the town. Mobile phones were not an option for broke secondary school kids, we used a phone box up the town to gather requests ( we sent a small gimpy lad on a racer bike to and from the phone box )
This was me on air, I know …” the fu*king head on ya “

Records, Tapes, Joe Bloggs jeans and some truly shocking music !
Tony G then .....

Tony G now .....

The lesson from the above pictures ??
Dont wear hay making jumpers and you might just cop off with Z list celeb !

And some engineer porn, the sherman aeral... she's a beaut!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
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