Buck Rodgers 1935 - this must have been mind blowing TV for its time.
Look out for the future mini skirt wearing space ho' with "Gandi" the scientist and the War arrow of doom & the space craft fighting scenes. Classic stuff.
I remeber watching this when I was 15, my Dad got a copy of the tape which was already in it's 100th stage of duplication such was it's demand.People did not want it for the match in question, but for it's commentary. This old lad called Eddie Maroney stepped in to take over the mic when no one else would do it.
What followed was to be the funniest commentary in the history of Irish Sport.
I'm Dj'ing at a charity fundraiser tomorrow night for this man .....
Niamh Gunn is a solicitor from Cork who worked on his case for 5 years and collected the evidence that gor him realised a few weeks ago.
It’s a pretty amazing story.
Anyway, Walter is coming to Ireland for 3 weeks and will be in Cork tomorrow night for an early corporate event in the Imperial Hotel from 7.30, where he Will speak on his time behind bars. To be at this event its 25 euro and all money raised will go to Walter and his family.
Directly after there will be a club night with Dj’s Adrian Dunlea, Gozzy, Colm Kenefick and I spinning the tunes until late its only 15 euro at the door and again Every penny is going to Walter.
It would be great to see as many as possible at the club night tomorrow.
Dimitri The Lover is a Loser This video, which is quickly spreading across the net, is of a guy named Dimitri leaving seriously deranged voicemails for a woman named Olga that he met on the street. It took mere hours for “Dimitri”’s real name, occupation (if you can call it that) and scary background to come to light.
Who is this guy doing an uncanny Patrick Bateman impression? His real name is James Sears. The name change is understandable considering some of the lowlights of his life: In 1986, while in the Canadian Armed Forces (and a third year medical student), Sears/Dimitri “was evaluated by a military psychiatrist who suggested there was something ’seriously wrong’” with him. Around the same time, a female officer complained about his attempts to enter her room without permission. Military police found in Sears/Dimitri’s room a stockpile of ‘a can of mace, several knives, two empty smoke grenade canisters and an electric stun gun’. In other words, the batshit crazy potential rapist/murderer survival kit. During his stint as a medical intern, Sears/Dimitri abused alcohol and prescription drugs on the job, harassed female staff and was viewed by his peers (of both genders) to be “un-trustworthy, cynical, and narcissistic.” In 1990, he underwent psychotherapeutic treatment at the National Defence Medical Centre in Ottawa. Joining his continuing substance abuse problems was a habit of obsessively calling women then masturbating while on the phone. He was released back into the medical community, where his compulsive masturbation continued during work hours, in between patients. In 1992, he lost hes medical license because of sexual impropriety due to his pleading guilty to two counts of sexual harassment (the victims were patients). About the behavior of Spears/Dimitri, Justice Hugh Locke wrote “That unacceptable type of conduct was obviously terrifying to his victims“. James Sears repackaged himself as Dimitri the Lover, a “pickup artist” who teaches overpriced seminars with hilariously bad names to men in Canada. He has a website (that I refuse to link to because I don’t want to be tied to that) that demonstrates how misogynistic, ill informed yet narcissistic and potentially dangerous this guy is. A note to any guy considering taking a “Dimitri the Lover” course: Dating is hard, I know. The difficulty level rises the more shy and insecure you are about the whole thing. I don’t knock anyone for seeking out a little help in an area where they feel overwhelmed. Butthis guy can not teach you anything that will benefit you.
I get into a state of panic in music shops that slash prices on DVD'S and cd's, you get some unreal deals. I have built my dvd and music empire on " sale" buying.
Had i bought the above pile on a normal trading day it would total 270 euro +
Below is my bargain buy list.
Alien & Predator all 7 movies.
Al Pachino collection ( sent of a young wan, scarface,carlitos way, sea of love )
Control ( the story of joy divisions Ian Curits )
American Warewolf in London ( freaky classic )
Battle Royal ( tartan aisa extream )
The Good Shepard ( pass a shitty wet Sunday some day )
Plaet Earth box set ( best tv ever made )
Johnny Cash greatest hits box set
Ricky Gervas ( all the pod cast radio shows on cd - unreal )
Late lounge - Chill box set
Elvis - the collection ( essential )
And 3 albums by the Smiths ( queen is dead, louder then bombs, & The Smiths )
All for ....
82 euro !
Thank you Zavi ( ex Virgin )
Hey guys,
Hope u like the pic, to the left is Sharon(contender in the wedding run), feeling lenny is maria, and looking less than impressed is adrian, i should've made him take the picture and went in myself...
Keep up the good work, and give us a good hint for the swear jar please.....Thanx,
Tracy O'Riordan
Thanks Tracy :):) x
Ska legends The Specials who had hits with ' A Message To You, Rudy ', ' Too Much Too Young ', and ' Ghost Town Revisited ' are getting together for a reunion tour later this year.
Assistant Programme Director of RedFM - Presenter & producer of the Red Rooster breakfast show weekdays 6-10am /I also produce and present the Friday night selection/ The Go Deep Radio show for Redfm/2fm/Power FM Turkey