Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Happy Tuesday,
on the Mallow to t’s that about like? Well as it turns out the Mr Sneaky theory is the one were going with, it suggests that thousands of years ago hundreds of Jackeens tried to invade Cork using Trojan Horse tactics, they failed on the grounds of an engineering flaw, they never drilled holes for the Jackeen invaders, they could not breath in the clean Corkionan air, so the silly gobshites suffocated, and to this day the bodies of hundreds of Dublin Warriors remain inside the Elk. Amazing or what?
Monday, April 24, 2006

I’m gonna get shot for not keeping my blogger up to date, we were warned by the powers that be to keep these things fresh or face the wrath of “the blog father “
Victory Barry was handed the job of blog monitoring and was instructed to kick the shite out of us if we don’t stay on top of it…. Barry’s a huge man who knows wrestling moves and has a criminal record for crushing a mans skull in
Answers in the comment box please,
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Some were surprised that I made it into work today after yesterday’s adventures in patriotic demise, “check under your car“ was the subject of an e-mail I received yesterday afternoon, no more joking with national anthem I can tell ya !

We got a great phone Tap tomorrow morning, we prank call the man who set up Perks funfair.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Now to be fare, we don’t get a lot of complaints on the Red Rooster, the odd sketch or throw away comment can offend the most conservative of society, so, when I thought it would be a good idea to remix our national anthem with dj tiestos “ adagio for strings “ it was met with a barrage of patriotic disgust.Ya see the suggestion was that we remix Amhrán na bhFiann, just to get in touch with the young folk who may not appreciate the meaning and purpose of this sacred song.
The way this whole thing started was simple, 90% of young Irish people don’t know the words of our Anthem, so all I wanted to do was re invent it for a new generation, speak their lingo .. ya know. Well after we played our trance-tastic remix we got …wait for it …. 3 COMPLAINTS and several dozen requesting it again. So for our hardened patriots you must understand that it was an issue of heightening awareness and encouraging pride, plus you can’t dance to the original!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Well happy Tuesday y'all !
You can also win this very exclusive play station game - see above !
Friday, April 07, 2006

Wicked !
I know shit loads of you get up very early for work, college or school everyday, but honestly I never thought I would take a gig that insisted on hitting the sack by 10 pm and getting up at 5am, that’s whyI Love Fridays.
The mid week social thing is a no go for me with the show,(although I did fall out of a gaff at 6am and into the show once, what a write off) Drunk F.M. is not encouraged in Red fm towers.
Had a great Phone Tap on the show today which we will replay on the “Best of the red rooster“ tomorrow morning after 10am. It was set up by a gang from a company in Cork that make magic” willy tablets” … ahem. That gang were at the recent Whales V Ireland rugby match, their mate Willie ( the irony) got into some really funny shit, I called him pretending to be the hotel manager from Dublin, oh the craic of it all.
Paul Cashman of Cashmans bookies in Cork gave us some handy tips for the Grand National tomorrow, so check that on the best of tomorrow morning. We also have Matt Molly, comedian Andrew Maxwell, and loads of other bits!
Been really busy putting together tonight’s specialist programming on Red Fm, from 8 check Greg n Shane on Go Deep for some block rocking house Cork style, im up at 10 tonight with guest Bob Sinclair & a 2 MANY DJ’S mix. You can also win tickets to see Soulwax ( 2manydjs) live in Cork so check that ok.
Check me bebo www.kcredfm.bebo.com
Have a rocking weekend.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Good craic on the rooster today, we were messing with sound boards. If you don’t have any friends this is the perfect way to pass your existence, put “sound boards” into google and play with conversation clips of audio, you can wind your mates up …. Oh shit what of you don’t have any??? … ah what ever.
Our sound board prank with Stewie from family guy booking into a Dublin hotel has being played on radio stations all over the world, plus we have a really funny prank call from our mate Jim Jim @ Dublins fm104 ( our fm cousins ) he used Al Pichinos sound board to wind up a guy called Ali
If you missed it check the best of the rooster on Saturday at 10 am, we will play it out again.
By the way the rooster pod cast is coming soon – were putting together a show with really hot new music and best bits from the rooster for you to download every week.
Monday, April 03, 2006
We had a huge reaction to the first ever live Rap Battle on Irish radio, Cork rapper GMC taking on the red rooster ginger gee bag “Cooper man “, I was stunned at Coopers attempt , the man can spit wiggy wack ! Download the battle in full from tomorrow @ www.redfm.ie go to rooster page and look for downloads link.
From hip hop to hay rap… saw doctors are popping in tomorrow morning after 9am, their really good craic so check it out.
How’s the craic?
From hip hop to hay rap… saw doctors are popping in tomorrow morning after 9am, their really good craic so check it out.